in Squirrly Free Coaching Lesson

How You Can Make the Rest of This Year Work Out Amazingly Well With This Top Feature

It’s almost time to say goodbye to this coaching session. But until then, I encourage you to resume working on your WordPress site.

Reports to make, content to write and optimize, success (or failure) to analyze.

The rest of this year can now be a huge success for you because you’ll be able to track (with just one click) the rank for each article that you optimized with Squirrly.

Practical Things You’ll Learn in This Lesson:

  • How to identify which pages perform best on your site
  • How to know which keywords your site actually ranks for
  • How to compare pages in your site based on their performance

If I were to tell you that you can see your top-performing pages and keywords with just one click, right in your WordPress, what would your reaction be?

Fingers crossed that you’re going to be just as thrilled as I am.

Thanks to this feature provided by Squirrly, you will have access to a tool that will help you figure out which SEO strategies have worked for you, and which didn’t.

The best part about it is that you will never get outdated information.

By using the Rankings feature from Squirrly, you’ll be able to see how your efforts translate into results. 

If you have the Business plan, your rankings will be checked daily.

Let’s see how you can start using this feature right now.

How to Check Out the Google Performance of Pages You Optimized with Squirrly

Step 1:

Login to your WordPress dashboard

Step 2:

Go to Squirrly > Rankings

Just Like That, You Can Now Get an Overview of Your Pages’ Performance

Inside the Rankings section of Squirrly, you can keep track of how well your content is performing on Google.

Here’s the data you will see in this section for each individual keyword:

  • The Google position based on the country you selected (we scrape the first 10 pages of Google based on the keyword you optimized for)
  • the best Google rank you’ve achieved for that keyword
  • the URL with which you’re currently ranking for that keyword.

Plus, if you click on Rank Details, you’ll also be able to see:

  • the number of social shares. See detailed data about how your content performed on each social media channel you shared it. Understand how social signals influence your rankings.
  • the number of clicks and impressions.

Based on all of this information, you will be able to gain a better understanding of what’s working for your site and what doesn’t.

You’ll know which are the pages that you need to work on more.

I recently started doing even more workshops to help entrepreneurs from all over the world grow their businesses and build a customer base.

The problem was that people wanted to see my personal website and they couldn’t find it on search engines because I have quite a common name. On the site, I have a media kit, contact information – everything.

So one of the things I had to do in order to get my website to rank for “Florin Muresan” was to tackle a long-tail keyword.

My blog is this:

> The only keyword that I wanted to rank with this website is “Florin Muresan bio.”

With Squirrly, I could see that my efforts were paying off (I could see that I was ranking on the 2nd place on Google for the keyword I wanted).

Now, I’ll be able to check all of my articles and see which ones get to rank better on this leaderboard inside of my WordPress. And the best part is, so can you!

With Squirrly, you can now easily implement your SEO strategy and measure the results. That means you are no longer working in the dark.

Use this one well throughout the rest of this year, and you’ll soon start improving your rankings.

Your Goals for this Lesson:

  • Go to Squirrly > Rankings and check how your pages are doing
  • Identify which ones are ranking higher than others and which ones are performing poorly
  • Write down the aspects that define the pages with higher rankings

Notebook mockup

That’s a wrap for this Lesson. Great job!



CEO at Squirrly
My goal is to turn you from a non-SEO expert to a WordPress SEO Superstar.

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Irina PogorTrishana Raj KaranJavari WattsFlorinJake Bailey Recent comment authors
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Alice Frazier
Alice Frazier

I just checked my rankings and I have 2 articles on the first page of Google. I have a new site, and that’s a first for me! I am still struggling with what to do on social media… though

Dianna Brock
Dianna Brock

Just wanted to say that I love your SERP checker feature. To be able to see how your rankings are improving from a simple graph but also to be able to see details like impressions, clicks, and let’s not forget social signals is just amazing.

Jake Bailey
Jake Bailey

Looking at your rankings in Squirrly is so much easier than Google Search Console. So happy you guys made this available in your plugin.

Javari Watts
Javari Watts

do you use rankings as a success metric or as a tactical metric? pls advise

Trishana Raj Karan
Trishana Raj Karan

I love to check the rankings section in Squirrly. It makes me feel so good because every 2-3 days, I can see that one of my keywords has ranked higher in Google. Awesome tool!

Irina Pogor

Thank you for your feedback, Trishana! Ever since we added the Progress and Achievements section in Rankings, we’ve started hearing more and more from website owners who were excited to share their success! Happy to hear you’re enjoying the Rankings feature as well.